Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Capstone Blog #3
02/12/16 (5am-8am)

My recruiter, Sgt. Hoyt, and I came to our destination at MEPS. He gave me the basic breakdown of how my day was going to go and what my goal he wanted me to reach. He wanted me to to complete the whole process without anything holding me back. He wanted me to return to him with my marine corps shirt which represents that I am an official poolee. I was more or less nervous but I grasped a lot of confidence at the same time. A whole group of people I noticed were in a very formal line waiting to get there full physical as well. It was around 5 in the morning when we all checked in and we weren't able to have our phones with us or anything. The beginning of the process was going to start and I had a long day ahead of me.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Capstone Blog #2
02/11/16 (5am-4pm)

I started my day very early in the morning. I met my recruiter and we drove to the Daly City Office to get some documents and and grab some nice clothes to change in before I went to MEPS to take the ASVAP. When we arrived to the facility in Mountain View, My recruiter bought me a red bull and a snickers to give me energy. We checked in and I went to the room to take the test. The test included General Science, Arithmetic Reasoning, Math Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehenison and more. It was challenging test to take and if I didn't pass I wouldn't be able to retake the test for a month! So there was a lot of pressure on me, but my confidence was high because I put in the extra time to study and prepare for this life changing test so overall I was ready. I completed the test and got a passing score of 40! I was able to have a job in infantry or to be an administrator. I chose the path to go to infantry on active duty. My recruiter found out the great news and comgratulated me. Turns out I got a better score than he did when he took the ASVAP.